Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions are provided in order to inform you about what data we collect when you register for a tournament with us. If you would like to participate in one of our tournaments, you must accept these terms when registering.

Responsible Contact
c/o autorenglü
Franz-Mehring-Str. 15
01237 Dresden


The Data We Collect, and Why

When you submit the registration form for one of our tournaments, all of the information you've entered, including, but not necessarily limited to: Full name, Country Representing, E-Mail Address, EMA Member Number (if provided), and Telephone Number are stored within our server database.

This data is used purely for the successful organization of the tournament and will be deleted once the tournament is no longer relevant for any possible ranking lists. If the tournament has no effect on any ranking lists, the data will be deleted 14 days at the most after the conclusion of the tournament.

Your First Name and First Initial of your Last Name, as well as the country you represent for the tournament are publicly displayed upon successful registration of a tournament on one of the pages within our website. This data will also be deleted and the page removed when the registration data is also otherwise deleted.

Your email address and telephone number are used purely and for no other reason than to contact you as a participant in the tournament and will not be shared to or seen by anyone outside of Club Staff Members. Possible reasons to contact you may be: clarification about tournament fee, clarification about food allergies, if you're running late, or similar reasons.

During the tournament, we may take photos of participants and gameplay that may later be shared on this website. If you do not wish your photos to be published, you may at any time now or in the future write to us (E-Mail is fine) and we will not publish and/or remove the photos from our website as is applicable. For any photos that are published on our website, they will be published without any names or identifying information about partipants.

Who We Share Your Data With

During the tournament, your name and score may be displayed within the tournament hall, either by paper or projected onto the large screen. Please note that we cannot take responsibility for any photos that are taken of these datapoints, nor can we take responsibility for any photos privately taken by participants, either of gameplay or of other participants.